This does however differ for age groups. Younger women have more similar of a salary to men than older women to older men.
One part of the issue of women getting paid less than men has been named "The Motherhood Penalty." This is due to the fact that some women have children and they seem to face different issues at the workplace than women with no children. This may be part of the reason why older women seem to have a harder time with their salary and their environment in the workplace.
Despite the differences in salary between younger and older women, there is still a bigger gap between men and women. This is called "The Glass Ceiling." What this term describes is that women can get jobs that pay okay, not great, but enough and they can see the higher level jobs from their place on the "corporate ladder" but they can never get to them because of this difficult invisible force names the Glass Ceiling.
While this is a huge problem that looks hopeless, it is being solved. By spreading the word and making the issue known equality can be reached. Word can be easily spread through social media. On social media, the news, advertisements, or really anywhere else, if the issue is spread enough more can be done to help it. This is one of the good parts about social media. Although the Glass Ceiling is horrible and unfair, its not helpless and all it needs is a little attention.
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